The book on : The Ghanaian custom of massaging a baby’s head with hot water and ointments;
The damage to the baby’s brain development.
Brain and Electricity.
Let us compare the brain to electrical wires.
In Picture 27, we see the inside of a brain. We see two areas: The grey area and the white area. The grey area contains grey wires which resemble exposed metal electrical wires. The white area contains white wires which resemble electrical wires covered with the white plastic.
Picture 27: The white and grey areas of the brain.

Picture 28: The nervous system.

Picture 28 shows the brain's wires that expand though the whole body.
Let us start with regular electrical wire that carries electrical message from the main pole to the house and then to the equipment we want to operate such as light, TV, refrigerator and so on.
The aim of the electrical message is to operate something.
And so is the aim of the wires in the brain.
The brain is the headquarter that sends messages through the spine and wires to the whole body.
The wires receive messages from the body and send them to the brain.
The brain then, sends messages back to the body and order it to act.
The nervous system or the wires act like an electrical system.
wires (nerves)