The book on : The Ghanaian custom of massaging a baby’s head with hot water and ointments;
The damage to the baby’s brain development.
Newborn baby's brain.
Question: How can we know that the brain of a baby is not developed as the brain of an adult?
Answer: An adult acts fast while the baby acts slowly.
An adult knows many things that the baby will take time to learn.
Learning new things and learning to act fast demand further development of the brain. So, when the baby comes out from the womb its brain is not yet fully developed.
The brain of a newborn baby does not look like that of an adult.
Question: Why are electrical wires covered?
Answer: It is because electricity can come out from the electrical wire and give us an electrical shock, and electricity can enter the wire from outside or another wire. So, if we want the electricity to pass quickly and in the correct wire, the wire should be covered.
The differences between adult’s brain and a newborn baby’s brain are:
Question: If the baby does not know many things and act slowly in comparison to an adult, How do you think the wires in the brain of a newborn baby are, exposed or covered?
Answer: The wires in the newborn baby’s brain are exposed as the electrical wires in Picture 30.
1.The brain of a newborn baby is smaller than a child or an adult’s brain.
2.The brain of a newborn baby is completely grey (Picture 29). All the wires in the newborn baby’s brain are exposed as exposed electrical wires and do not have the white cover on them (Picture 30).
Because the wires in the brain of a newborn baby are exposed the baby acts and thinks slowly.
Picture 29: A model of the inside of a newborn baby's brain.
Picture 30: A model of exposed electrical wires.
It takes one whole year for the wires in the brain of a newborn baby to build a white cover on the wires (Picture 31) .
Picture 31: A model of the inside of a one year old baby's brain.
The hot water destroy the process of building the white cover on the wires. The hot water causes the baby and later when the baby is grown to be slow in actions and thinking.