The book on : The Ghanaian custom of massaging a baby’s head with hot water and ointments;
The damage to the baby’s brain development.
Thermometer and temperature.
Picture 37: Clinic Thermometer.
The clinic thermometer shows our body thermometer. It shows 36.3 degrees Celsius.
Our normal body temperature is between 36-37 degrees Celsius.
When we have 38 and above, we are sick and have fever.

Picture 38: Laboratory thermometer.

The laboratory thermometer shows the temperature of where it is (air, water and so). The red alcohol that rises inside the thermometer shows on 30 degrees Celsius, which is the temperature in the room at that moment.
From 39 degrees Celsius the wires in the brain are beginning to get damaged. As the period of the heat is longer the brain can not repair the damage. The water we use for massaging the head of the baby has vapors coming out from it. The temperature of such water is between 55-70 degrees Celsius. It is far above the
normal temperature of the brain and the body. Any temperature above 39 is dangerous to the brain (Picture 39).
Picture 39: The range of temperature.