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Damaged brain's wires by hot water.

Picture 35 shows a model of the damage caused by hot water to the brain's wires:

When we apply the hot water on the baby’s head, we destroy the white cover of the brain's wires. The hot water makes hole in the white cover (B ) in comparison to healthy wires in (A).  Then, different unwanted chemicals enter the brain wire. These unwanted chemicals destroy the brain wire. Eventually the end structure of the wire is destroyed too, and the connection between the brain's wires can not transmit any chemical message to the other wire (C).The brain can not send messages in a good way so the baby or a child or a person will be slow in action and thinking.

Picture 35: The damage caused to the brain's wires by massaging the baby's head with hot water.

damaged connection.png

In addition to the damage caused by the hot water, also different ointments are not good to the brain.

For example, when we apply Robb ointment on the baby’s head, the ointment can pass through the skin and through the tissue that cover the “Breathing place”. The ointment’s chemicals enter directly to the brain. The chemical of the Robb are poisonous to the brain's wires. They enter the brain's wires and kill them.

Read the caution instructions on the Robb (Picture 36):

Not suitable for children under 12 years. Do not swallow or place in the nostrils.

Robb is not for babies or children, and we should not put it in our nose.

Picture 36: ROBB ointment.

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