The book on : The Ghanaian custom of massaging a baby’s head with hot water and ointments;
The damage to the baby’s brain development.
The baby's head/skull's structure.
The skull/head of a newborn baby is made of many bones joined with a tissue. All white areas are bones.
All brown areas and lines are gaps covered with a soft tissue (Picture 3).
Picture 3: A model of a head of a newborn baby.
The soft spot in the front of the baby's head is called "Breathing place" in the local languages because it vibrates up and down as if air passes there (Picture 4).
Picture 4: The "Breathing place".
In addition to the gaps in the head that are not holes because they are covered with tissue that prevents entrance of air to the head, there are two types of holes in the head:
•The holes of the ears (Picture 5).
The holes of the eyes (Picture 6).
No air, liquid or food can enter through them to the brain.
Picture 5 : A model of a skull of a newborn baby and its holes, side view.
Picture 6 : A model of a skull of a newborn baby and its holes, front view.